When your dog suffers from an injury or a painful condition like arthritis, both the owner and your pet can lose sleep. Holistic veterinary medicine offers several natural remedies to help calm your dog's pain and agitation. Sometimes people fail to understand the importance of natural products to treat diseases.
Formerly these natural products were widely used until the pharmaceutical industry evolved and began to divide in the drugs we know today. But these drugs, in most cases have a natural origin. Therefore still present in current treatments.
In veterinary medicine, has gradually increased the number of professionals dedicated to the holistic veterinary treatments used in natural products with alternative therapies that have proven very effective and promising results.
But we do a brief review of natural treatments and products that we administer to our beloved pets:
Acupuncture can help you get your dog back to a state of full mobility. Thus tantoƩl like you to be happy again.
An acupuncturist places fine needles, similar to a cable in some key points of the animal's body to promote healing and restore balance. In his book "The Veterinarians' Guide to Natural Remedies for Dogs" Martin Zucker writes that Dr. Allen Schoen used acupuncture to help a black lab could not sleep at night because of her arthritis.
Clete A. Kushida, author of "Handbook of Sleep Disorders" writes that acupuncture studies in humans show that they can be used with very positive results in treating 80% of patients with insomnia due to chronic pain. Acupuncture combined with other forms of treatment and enhances the effectiveness of other therapies.
Aromatherapy Lavender Oil.
While some essential oils used in aromatherapy are not safe for use in animals, oil of lavender is very safe and effective for this. Write C.J. Puotinen, author of "Natural Remedies for Dogs and Cats." Lavender oil relieves pain, especially of wounds or insect bites, helps the animal has an ideal, relaxed sleep. Rub a small amount of lavender essential oil along the spine of your dog or your feet to detox and relax. Lavender oil is safe to use on your dog with any other treatment.
According to Natural Dog Health Remedies, the herb valerian (Valeriana officinalis) and passion flower (Passiflora incarnata) calms your dog and encouraging him to sleep peacefully. Give your dog these herbs in a tincture or liquid form and are available in most stores that sell natural health products. About an hour before bedtime, give your dog two to four drops each of tinctures of valerian and passion flower. Valerian is also an effective herbal treatment for muscle spasms. While these dosages are safe for short-term employment, avoid using valerian and passion flower with other treatments that have a sedating effect, such as anti-inflammatory drugs, sedatives, pharmaceuticals that help sleep. Consult a holistic veterinarian if your dog has liver problems or kidney.
Homeopathic remedies contain highly diluted solutions of substances designed to stimulate the body's natural healing. They are safe to administer to your dog along with any other treatment. January Allegretti and Katy Sommer, author of "The Complete Holistic Dog Book" written some homeopathic remedies are useful in relieving pain. They recommend Arnica, Hypericum, Bryonia and Rhus tox. Arnica and Bryonia are also useful as sleeping aides. Find homeopathic remedies at natural health food stores. Consult a holistic veterinarian to find out what remedies will be most effective for your dog.
For more information visit: http://www.petdirectory.com.ar